Student grants are essential for students enrolled in a college or university. There are very few who can afford the costs of their college education with their personal finances. Because veterans and active duty members of the Armed Forces are a valuable to our society, it is only fitting that there should be a number of grants that can assist them in paying for their college education after their term of military service has ended. The most commonly known of these grants is the G.I. Bill. While the monetary amounts of this form of aid are dependent on a variety of factors, the general amount of money that the government will provide a former soldier for school is around $40,000. Here we will look at this grant and others a little more thoroughly to see the various options military students have for financial aid.
Did you know that there are other student grants for former soldiers available from the government and other institutions? Many of these grants are aimed specifically towards former Armed Forces members who are seeking to major in specific fields of study. For example, the NBCC Foundation Military Scholarship Program was created specifically for current and former service members who are planning on becoming professional counselors. It provides financial assistance to students who are enrolled in an accredited counseling program during or after their military service. A special preference is given to those who want to serve military personnel.
There are also student grants available to the spouses of active and former military personnel. Tuition assistance in the form of grants and scholarships is designed to encourage these spouses to complete their post secondary education. The Air Force Aid Society General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program provides $2,000 grants to selected sons and daughters of active duty, retired, retired reserve and deceased Air Force members. The American Legion Legacy Scholarship will also provide grants to the children of military personnel who have died on or after 9/11.
If you fit any of the aforementioned criteria, you can receive financial aid in the form of student grants. Former and active duty military personnel deserve to be honored for their terms of service and it is highly encouraged that you take advantage of the tuition assistance being offered to you. Another source to search for potential military grants would be the financial aid office of the school you are planning to attend.