Whether you are entering a graduate program straight from college or have been in the career world for a number of years, there are graduate school grants available to assist you in paying for the completion of your education. You are still eligible to apply for the student loans that you applied for while you were attaining your undergraduate degree. However, grants are a much more attractive proposition as you do not have to repay them at a later date. Here we’ll explore some of the basics that go into these grants so you can get a better understanding of how they may help you in your academic pursuits.
Graduate school grants are more likely to be found with organizations, colleges, and universities than through the federal government. This particularly applies to graduate students who are studying specific fields. For example, a student who is planning to receive their Ph.D. in microbiology would be very likely to find funding through an organization like the American Society of Microbiology. This group offers very specific grants called Microbiology Minority Fellowships.
Graduate students of a minority have a highly advantageous edge for graduate school grants over the other applicants. Minority students are generally underrepresented in the majority of graduate programs in most universities and colleges. Several of the organizations that offer these grants are the American Indian Graduate Center, the National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities and the Cornell University Graduate School Fellowship for Minorities. The Black Collegian Organization has also been very supportive of African American students.
Graduate students face a completely new set of challenges from those of their undergraduate years. Many graduate students today are starting in school fresh after years in the workforce. In addition, they are also attempting to raise families. This is why online degree programs are facing an increase in popularity. Several of the leading online universities fulfill graduate school grants that are aimed directly at the specific fields of study that their students are participating in. Still, there are many graduate students who participated in the traditional college experience at a four year university.